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My wee boy’s hands

These Autumn days of 2020 have been weird in the UK as I’m sure they have worldwide.

We are all back to work in the main unless you work in music, theatre and the like. A god bless you if you are in that boat.

And for some reason, even after all we’ve been through this year, there doesn’t seem to be much softness around. And blimey do we need the softness.

What prompted me to write this post was a moment that made me stop and notice this evening. I was standing by my wee boy‘s bed and rubbing cream into his hands. They’re so dry from all the hand washing at school. Sigh. His gorgeous

knuckles are raw and painful.

I was suddenly taken back to when he was born. My gorgeous wee bundle of a boy. Who came into the world one minute after his brother. I massaged his hand and he giggled. I was kept in that moment and all the trials and tribulations of the day left me. I kissed his face as he started to fall asleep. It was a lovely moment and what a blessing that I was gifted this moment by my wee man.

Living a happy balanced life can mean many things. I’m super grateful that this moment didn’t pass me by.

sending you some softness in these weird times xx

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